Time Alone

Many of you know that Jay travels a lot for his job. That means I spend a lot of time alone.  I’m rarely lonely and I’m rarely bored.  That’s not to say that I don’t miss him, but, I enjoy my alone time, so it’s a tradeoff that works for me.  One memory of feeling really alone for me was when I was traveling to Europe to meet up with a group of WC students on an exchange to Moldova in the former Soviet Union.  I had had a conference to attend prior to departure so flew alone to meet them.  I was only behind them by a couple of days, but, I was alone.  Alone in a strange place with a strange language and some sights that took me aback.  When I landed in Bucharest Romania and were taxiing to the terminal the sight out my window was of old broken down planes lining the tarmac.  Surrounding them were razor wire fences and gun turrets – with guys AND big machine type looking guns in them!  things went fine and I met up with the group the next day.  One thing is for sure, My one night in Bucharest, I was lonely and felt alone!  What about you?

1327How do you deal with alone time?  Do you camp out on the couch, remote in hand, channel surfing and watching whatever you want?  Do you call or text every person in your contacts to find someone to do something with?  Tell me about a time that you were truly lonely.  What happened?  How did you overcome it? Tell me all about it.

Your post is due Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.

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