Positive Changes

Everyone should be working on their proficiency applications and SAE records in AET.

Seniors – The National FFA Scholarship app must be submitted by February 1, 2017.  If you need help logging in and accessing the application, let me know!

For today:


At the beginning of the year many Americans make New Year’s Resolutions to bring about some change in their lives.  Ironically, last week one day, January 17th, is “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day”.  By this time each year all but about 12% of us have given up already on our resolutions. It doesn’t take a new year to make changes in our lives.  What positive changes have you made in your life lately?  What are the most common resolutions made by American’s?  Have you made a resolution for yourself this year?  If so, what is it?  Are you still on track to achieve it?  New semesters give us a chance to make changes in our academic lives.  We get to start out with a clean slate.  What things do you want to improve on or accomplish during this semester?  How will you go about reaching those goals?

Your post is due Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 8:15 a.m.

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