The Scarecrow – Again

Read this article

On your blog; write a synopsis of the article.  Minimum of five sentences.

Your post is due Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.

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Being Productive


What’s a new habit you could develop that would only take a minute a day but would make a difference in your life or the lives of those around you?  Could it be learning how to park your pickup BETWEEN the lines in the parking lot. Honestly – some of you need to try a little harder!  Could you put dishes in the dishwasher, push in the chairs at the kitchen table, pick up dirty clothes off of the floor, hold a plank, do some crunches, situps, lunges, etc. If we picked one thing and did it every day – what would change in your life?

What other things could you spend a single minute doing each day and what change might that bring about in your life?

Tell me all about it!

Your post is due Friday, November 1, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.

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To Procrastinate or not, that is the quesiton!



We all have chores, jobs, or tasks that we’d rather do just about anything rather than having to do that job. What job is it for you that you absolutely hate?  For me, it’s mowing the lawn.  It just takes FOREVER!  You have to wait until the grass is dry, which this summer, seemed to take forever as well.  Then you have to mow around all those trees, try not to run over treasures in the yard that will damage the lawnmower. And all the jostling!  UGH!  Our lawn is not smooth by any means so it’s like riding on a bumpy gravel road or 6 hours straight.

OK, I think you get the idea, I’d rather do just about anything but mow the lawn.  Tell me about the chore that you hate as well as the one thing you don’t procrastinate on when it needs doing.  What is it that helps you to not procrastinate?  What about when it comes to school work?  Some of you should receive Oscars – for your work in procrastination!  Tell me about a time when procrastination came back to bite you?  What happened?  How can you correct that in the future?  Are there people around whom you are more likely to put things off instead of doing your work?

Your post is due Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.

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Pros and Cons of mixed-age classes

Just a friendly reminder before today’s prompt.

Spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, complete sentences all count!  Many of you are throwing a lot of points away.  Also – if I give you a series of questions to answer – answer them!  Again – points you are throwing away.

Please – if you copy and paste my prompt into your blog – please stop.  It takes me a lot longer to grade when I have to hunt for your answers.  If you need to – paste my info in and then delete before your publish your post.

Complete sentences – please – don’t copy and paste my questions and then give me one word answers.  Write a series of sentences and or paragraphs.

Something else to consider – Plagiarism….. Don’t do it!  There were several of you that repeatedly plagiarized the work of others in your blog posts during the first quarter.  Consider this your warning.

Many of you are in at least one class that has mixed-ages of students.  In other words, kids from grades other than yours.  So – what are the good and bad things about having students of a variety of grade levels and abilities in your classes?  What do you like about it?  What drives you crazy about it? Do you think all classes should be mixed?  Or, should they all be single-aged?  Why? Give me an example of a class you are in with mixed ages.  How is it going?  Do the other aged students make you crazy? How do you think your teachers feel about mixed age classes?  Is their a difference in your opinion when it comes to teams vs classes?

Your post is due Monday, October 28, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.

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First Quarter

We are nearing the end of the first quarter.  For some of you, this is the beginning of the end.  It’s the last first quarter of high school you’ll have!  For some of you, it may be “just another quarter” in your high school career.

So – what did you accomplish?  What have you done this quarter that you are proud of?  What have you learned, what obstacles have you overcome?  What things in your life – as a student, family member, friend – etc need work?  Where have you been disappointed? In what ways have others disappointed you and maybe not lived up to the expectations you had for them?

Your post is due Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.

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The Scarecrow

View this video:

The Scarecrow from Goodvertising on Vimeo.

After viewing the video, reflect on your blog about your thoughts about the ad, How  does it make agriculture look? What specifically in the video do you believe was not truthful about agriculture?  Any idea which fast food company put out this video? What is this company’s slogan?  What do you think their message behind it is? Do some research and find information on ads placed by fast food companies that may not have been truthful or kind to agriculture. Conversely, what about companies that paint agriculture in a favorable light – give specific examples.  Does this add or others you may have found change your mind about frequenting a certain restaurant.  What is this

Your post is due Friday, October 18, 2019 at 1:30 p.m.

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The Iceberg

How is an iceberg like a person’s character?  Why does it seem that our society puts more focus on the outside rather than the inside?  Describe what Being vs Doing means to you.  Why is it difficult for us to focus on the inside rather than the outside?  Does social media have an impact on this focus?  What are some character traits that make up your 90%?  What if – everyone cared more about the inside than the outside?

Your post is due Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 1:52 p.m.

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What Makes Someone a Hero; or Who is a Hero in Your Mind?

Some of you may have heard me talk about my Dad on occaision.  Born and raised in Ohio, his father was a Judge, his mother was a housewife, and according to my Dad, the worst cook in the world!  My father had Rheumatic Fever as a child.  The disease causes the heart to function inefficiently.  As a result, he was a pretty sickly child.  He was homeschooled and did not attend public school until the 7th grade.  By that time he was healthy enough to make it through a full day of school but not strong enough to pursue his dreams of playing football and basketball.  While in high school he excelled in band – he played the Clarinet, was involved in drama, and student government.  He double majored in English and Biology and you’ll find his name on records of scores on the MCAT (test you take to get into medical school).  He spent 27 years in school (beginning from 7th grade!) He helped to develop the Oral Polio vaccine during a residency with Salk and Sabin (the guys that got the credit).  When he and my mother decided to get married he told her because of the lasting results of his bout with Rheumatic Fever that he probably wouldn’t live past 50.

He turned 50 in April of 1979, had open heart surgery in June of that year.  He turned 60 in 1989, had another open heart surgery in October of that year.  He spent his 70th birthday riding a donkey to the bottom of the Grand Canyon with my mother and some family friends.  Two weeks later, I got the call that he had not woken up and was hospitalized in San Francisco.  He passed away at the next day and 70 years and 2 weeks of age.

The things that make my father my hero are his love for education, his will to live that gave him and my  mother as well as my brother and I 20 bonus years to enjoy him.  His sense of humor was the best.  He was a great teacher, with more patience than anyone I’ve ever known.  He loved my mother!  He set a great example for how a marriage should look and how a man should treat a woman.  Family was the most important thing in the world to him. His academic accomplishments are something I’ve always been proud of, but his role as a father and friend in my life are what I’m most grateful for.

Your turn:



Your blog post is due Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 1:48 p.m.

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What’s the Buzz with Bees?

Read this article:

SD Beekeepers facing darkest days

Why are bees important to agricultural production across the state and around the country?  Where does South Dakota rank in the pollination and honey industries?  How . much honey was produced by bees in South Dakota in 2018?  How many hives are there in South Dakota?  What problem is facing the bees and honey producers?  How long have beekeepers been dealing with this problem? How much are producers losing due to colony loss?  What is at the center of the issue?  Why are bees dying? What’s happening with the Rusty Patched Bumblebee?  How many species of bees are also threatened by colony loss?  How many crops are pollinated by bees?  What is the economic impact of all that buzzing around from flower to flower?  Which producer does the article say is one of the largest in the world?  How did losses of bees impact the Adee operation?  Why is South Dakota honey in high demand?  what has happened to per hive production over the last 15 to 20 years? What has happened to overall honey production?  What has been the average colony loss among domestic bees since 2006?

Your post is due Monday, October 7, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.


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Plant-based, Healthier or Not?

The Jobs for Employment Skills have been posted.

Access them here


The Impossible Burger is all the rage right now.  If you’ve been living in a cave or under a rock, it’s a burger that claims to look like, smell like, taste like beef.  Have you tried them?  What did you think?

Read this article:


Give a brief synopsis of what the article says and then your thoughts about this new meat free craze that’s taking over the market place. What are some things that you find concerning in the article? Does the article share any statistics relative to consumer beliefs about meatless veggie burgers? What are other arguments made by the fake meat crowd with respect to saving our environment? Which fast food restaurants have added a meatless burger to their menus?

Your post is due Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.

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