The WCFFA Brat Feed will be Monday, September 12, 2016. We will be serving from 5:00 to 6:30 in the high school commons.
Each member needs to bring 1-2 dozen wrapped bars or a variety package of single serving chips. Bring Chips any time, bars on Monday!
We have several parents who are helping to organize the logistics of this event. We will also need members who can help grill, serve, make change and take money, clean up tables, gather garbage etc.
We have flyers that need to be hung around town in Hartford and Humboldt.
Members will also be soliciting donations from local businesses to help with the cost of running this event.
Please – let me know what you can help with! Sign up on this Google Doc.
On to our work for today:
I saw this on Facebook last week shortly after seeing a message on Twitter from one of our students who was riding with a student who was making some unsafe choices. It scared the stuffing out of me!
Watch this video:
On your blog react to what you saw and heard in the video. What are your thoughts? Are you guilty of any of the actions expressed in the video? Have you been in a vehicle with people who made some unsafe choices? How did that make you feel? What can you do to ensure the safety of yourself and your friends? Check out this awesome infographic. What statistics displayed surprised you – in what way? Scared you? Came as no surprise? Many cities and/or states either have laws or are debating legislation that prohibits texting while driving. How do you feel about this? Would such a law change your behavior or that of your friends? Do you feel that talking on the phone is as dangerous as texting while driving – why or why not?
Your post is due Monday, September 12, 2016 at 8:15 a.m.