Today we’ll spend some time getting into AET and getting some work done. Your username should be your first initial followed by your last name. Your first initial and the first letter of your last name are capital, all the other letters are lower case. Your password should be the same as your username. Our chapter number is SD0068.
Work through all the links on the Profile tab.
When you have all the profile links completed, please begin, or continue working on your SAE records. If you need help – ask! There are also lots of tutorials for completing your records! Please use them! To find them, once you are logged in, check the lower left hand menu – you’re looking for “Student Help”.
If you need some help with choosing or identifying possible SAEs, check this link.
Or read through this document.
This document details the 2016_proficiency_area_descriptions. This will give you further ideas of possible SAEs.
Sophomores and Juniors – Free Money to start or expand your SAE! Applications will be completed through AET and are due November 15, 2016. There are 149 $1000 grants available for FFA members. To begin your SAE grant application go to Reports>FFA Awards/Degree and Application Manager, then select SAE Grant from the drop down and click add. This is a class requirement for all Sophomores and Juniors!
SAE Grant Requirements
- Applicants must be in grades 7 – 11.
- Applicants must be current FFA members.
- Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
Who can apply?
FFA members who wish to initiate or improve their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) can apply for an SAE grant.
How are grant recipients selected?
Grant recipients will be selected by the SAE Grants committee.
Grants are awarded based primarily on financial need. The advisor’s statement is crucially important in establishing the financial need and eligibility of the applicant.
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