Will Irma Impact us in South Dakota?


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How are agricultural producers and processors preparing for Irma?  What protection can producers provide for their livestock?  What is the current economic impact of Harvey on Texas cotton producers?  Can sugar cane fields and orange groves be protected from Irma?  When is sugar cane harvest slated to begin?  What has happened to sugar and orange juice concentrate futures markets in the lead up to Irma?  What does this mean for you and I and our families?  What portion of the sugar produced in the US is produced in Florida?  Prices of what other commodity are closely tied with sugar?  Why?  What is the biggest risk to cotton production in North Carolina?  What percent of cotton acres are represented by North and South Carolina?  Where does North Carolina rank in hog and turkey production?  Who is the largest hog producer and processor in the country?  Who owns the company?  How could Irma affect you?  What could we expect to see in the coming weeks and months following what could be devastation in Florida and the southeast?

Your post is due Monday, September 11, 2017 at 8:15 a.m.

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