Still Hungry!

Continuing on with the Country that you selected in your last post, complete the following:

Select ONE factor affecting food insecurity in the country you selected from the following list. IE:  This factor would help to improve food production and decrease food insecurity in the country you selected. 

1. Plant Science Increasing crop yields and improving disease/drought resistance through research and breeding of improved plant varieties

2. Water Scarcity Managing water scarcity and adapting farming practices to reduced water supplies with improved irrigation technologies and conservation practices

3. Biofuels Balancing the demand on global food and energy supplies and ensuring that developing nations also benefit from the use of biofuels

4. Animal Health Preventing the transmission of disease in livestock and poultry with improved management, investments in vaccine development, and proper application of medications to avoid antibiotic-resistance

5.Climate Volatility Responding to climate volatility by adapting agricultural practices and policies to increase carbon sequestration and support ecological resilience to erratic weather, rising temperatures/drought, saltwater intrusion, and shifting plant diseases and pest infestations

6. Sustainable Agriculture Developing and implementing sustainable agricultural practices (no-till, crop rotation, integrated pest management, etc.) to combat erosion, desertification and soil depletion and reduce pesticide/herbicide use and minimizing environmental degradation associated with industrial agricultural practices (improved animal waste disposal, conservation buffers, etc.)

7. Animal Agriculture Implementing sustainable practices for raising livestock and poultry (management intensive grazing, integrated livestock/poultry grazing and poultry/vegetable production systems, fish pond farming systems, etc.)

8. Spoilage & Waste Reducing spoilage and improving the quality and shelf life of food products with improved food preservation techniques and increased processing capacity (flash-heating, aseptic processing, freeze drying, bulk storage, etc.)

9. Water & Sanitation Increasing access to safe, potable water supplies, toilets and pit latrines, and education on proper sanitation/hygiene and food preparation techniques to reduce the transmission of food and water-borne disease

10. Dietary Diseases Addressing obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other dietary diseases through nutrition education, access to nutritious foods, and healthy behavior (dietary diversification, food selection, portion-size control, exercise, etc.)

11. Malnutrition Alleviating micronutrient deficiencies (iron, vitamin A, iodine, zinc) and protein- energy malnutrition through improved access to nutritious food, fortification, supplementation, school-feeding programs, nutrition education, emergency therapeutic feeding, etc.

12. Human Diseases Reducing the burden of illness and infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria, etc., to improve human health and nutrition and raise agricultural production

13. Demographics Addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by population growth and urbanization

14. Conflict Resolution Preventing and resolving political and armed conflict with diplomatic initiatives

15. Human Rights Addressing gender, cultural and economic discrimination and improving access to credit and securing property rights for the poor and marginalized

16. Education Investing in education, training and extension for improved implementation of agricultural research and technology

17. Good Governance Reducing corruption by promoting the rule of law, government accountability, democratic principles and transparency

18. International Trade Removing discriminatory international trade policies to improve market access, promote fair trade and increase economic development

19. Foreign Aid Assisting vulnerable populations and improving the effectiveness of humanitarian relief and food aid in conflict zones and disaster sites

20. Farm to Market Improving access to markets through infrastructure development (roads and railways, internet, mobile technologies, electricity)

2.  Answer the following questions to develop your post and understand how your selected factor affects food security in your country:

    • How does the factor you selected affect agricultural productivity, household income or food availability and quality in your chosen country? Discuss the following:
      1. What role does the factor presently play in causing your family to not produce enough food, earn sufficient income to purchase food, or access adequate nutrition?
      2. What is the present status of this factor? How severe is the situation? Is the environment being degraded? Are women, rural or urban poor, or developing countries particularly disadvantaged? If so, how?
      3. Are the trends for this factor improving, worsening, staying the same? How are the trends for this factor measured? Do these measurements indicate the situation is changing? If so, how? Because of potential change, or no change, is the situation for your rural farm or urban family getting worse, improving or staying the same?
    • How would improving or resolving this factor increase the amount or quality of food or income available to your family? Preserve the environment sustainably? Lead to economic development and poverty reduction? Benefit women, smallholder farmers or urban dwellers in your country of focus?

Your post Is due Tuesday, February 10, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.

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