Truth in Relationships

We are all involved in a wide array of relationships.  It’s not just the boyfriend/girlfriend relationships that I’m talking about.  We all have a network of friends and family.  Our lives, happiness, and struggles are really all intricately entwined.  What are the most important “truths” about those relationships?  What are the key things that make things work with your parents, employer, teachers, friends, boyfriend or girlfriends?  What are your “deal-breakers”? What behaviors are just unacceptable in your eyes for those in your life?

For me – it’s cigarettes and other tobacco products.  My dad smoked most of my growing up life and we were finally able to force him to quit after open heart surgery at the age of 50.  I hated the fact that he always smelled like cigarette smoke.  I was angered by the fact that a medical doctor should know what cigarettes could and were doing to his body, but he still smoked. I struggle with people who can’t be honest.  Either with me, or frequently themselves.  If I like you, I like you for you, not who you think you should be or who you think others want you to be.  Being authentic is important in my friends and people I care about.

In the same way – we have “relationships” with the products we purchase and use.  What “truths” are important to you in advertising of those products?  Where does American agriculture need to do a better job in helping to develop strong relationships with consumers?  Where should that effort begin and what should it include.

Your post is due Monday, March 5, 2018 at 8:15 a.m.

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